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1st Crochet Swap!

My newsiest thing to do is crochet swap with other crocheters! The 1st person I’ve decided to do a crochet swap  with was a crochet sister on youtube name MzCJA aka IttyBitty! She mentioned me on her blog   and I was so honor of that. She is awesome and one day God willing she will have her own business and I will be ordering from her :). Even thou, I crochet it’s always a great feeling that I get when someone else takes the time to make something for me 🙂

 Profiling in the hat she made for me!

Crocheting Fashionista Jess

I love it sooooooooo Much! She is new to crochet but she’s already a pro! We received our hats 8/15  and I was smiling ear to ear before I even opened my package! I seen the pictures Friday on Facebook and I was smiling ear to ear but when I seen it and I put it on the first thing I said was,”IT FITS!” LOL And I look Hot in it!

And Here’s A Photo of  Itty Wearing the Hat I made for her 🙂

 She Looks Awesome! 

Look for more crochet swaps from me and her soon 🙂

If you are a Crocheter or Knitter and you want to swap Email( or Facebook me… I’ll be happy to do a swap with you 🙂

Peace,   Love and Happy Crocheting/Knitting!

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Crocheting Fashionista’s Latest Crochet work :)

I’ve been working on more of my original patterns and trying my best testing them out. Enjoy some of my Latest Designs! 🙂 Peace, Love and Happy Crocheting! With Love, Philly Crocheting Fashionista