On this day me and the Hubby Got up early because my Dad and his Wife decided to go to Carlos Bakery and New York instead of waiting for Sunday. Sunday was going to rain all day so I was like okay so me and Hubby rushed to get dress…A hour they was knocking at the door. I decided to grab 2 skeins of yarn (Lion Brand Yarn Super Bulky (6) ) One Black and the other was Tan and a N Hook. It was a 3 hour ride from Philadelphia to Hoboken, NJ with traffic and all. I started to crochet a long scarf for myself. I was already done before we arrived! We first stop at a place so we can get a bite to eat.

Once we got back on the rode I started to get car sick…when we arrive all we seen was IRISH PRIDE everywhere I was like they are celebrating waaaaaay to early! We was trying to find parking it was a mad house down Hoboken, NJ and 10mins later…. finally a parking space near the bakery! We put money in the Meter and walked down and then we waited in this long line across the street…so a Hour later we was finally was inside the bakery! It was pack however the workers are truly great at customer service and they were fast! We brought a small cake for our anniversary (March 6) and lobster tails and cupcakes.. 
But then when we left the Bakery we got stuck because there was a Parade! I was like HUH? However, we got to get a front row simply because our car was right there and I stop and seen this lady who had a table fill with all her Crochet items! It was awesome! I chatted with her and Her name is Anna and I told her I would mention her on here…

We didn’t go to New York due to the parade and traffic at that time and I was tired and we went home …

When we arrived home we try the strawberry short cheesecake and it was okay… the cheesecake was really thick and it felt like it was something missing…the lobster tails was okay and the cupcake tasted like any other cupcake that I could of got at home at one of our Bakeries….overall it was a 8/10…the visual display of the products was pretty. I think I will try to get it order first to see if there’s any difference.
Well thank you for reading and have a bless night!